miercuri, 13 octombrie 2021

EU Code Week 9-24 October 2021

 Ce este Săptămâna europeană de programare?

Săptămâna UE a programării reprezintă o mișcare bazată pe voluntari locali

care promovează programarea în țările lor, aceștia având rolul de Ambasadori ai

săptămânii programării.


Scopul Săptămânii europene de programare?

-        Sărbătorirea creației prin programare

-        Dobândirea de noi competențe

-        Stabilirea de legături între oameni

-        Creșterea interesului pentru științe, tehnologie, inginerie și matematică


Play for Scratch - Learn to code

          The main idea of this activities is to introduce the students into the world of coding in an attractive way and encourage their creativity. By working on tasks related to various topics, I will try to show my students that coding can be a fun and enjoyable experience. The students develop and grow by using skills of computer-thinking, logical reasoning and problem solving. The students will express their ideas creatively by making animations, animated stories and games. 

       I want to motivate my students in coding and stimulate them to continue their education in the areas of information technology, especially programming. I will try to achieve this goal by using Scratch, the visual programming language which is attractive, encourages students to think and express ideas and enables them to understand the programming logic. It is important that students know how to use information and communication technology in a positive, safe and creative way.

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